Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Re-cap of the baby days

Taking care of newborn twins was hard at first, but thankfully Andrew and Christina were pretty good babies. They really only cried if they were hungry, needed to be changed, or if they were just taken out of the bath. Christina was definitely the fussier one and wanted to be held a lot. I will admit that I went into panic mode when Chris was at work and they both started crying at once! I did get them into a routine, where they were eating and sleeping at the same times for the most part. Here are a few baby pictures of them...I love looking back. 

2 weeks old

Daddy and Tina
Mama and Andrew
First night spent in their cribs

Go Chargers!!!
Why Mom? We are tired...
He found his favorite pumpkin!
My little elves
Tina is ready to pinch!

The most beautiful eyes
We made a HUGE mess Mama!

So happy...
Uncle Chris and Tina

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